Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kevin Systrom of Instagram

If you are one of the millions of faithful users of the mobile photo sharing and editing network called Instagram, then here is an article you'll enjoy.  Forbes just published a piece about Kevin Systrom, the original founder of Instagram.  It gives a good discussion about his background, how he came to start Instagram, and who he encountered along the way.  Even though Instagram was sold to Facebook for $1 billion, Systrom will be staying on to run it.  It is still early days for Instagram, and they haven't even started trying to earn money with it, so we should see a lot of changes over time.  I think Instagram is so popular right now, it should be around for a while.  I don't use it myself, but one of my kids loves it.  When I upgrade to a smartphone I'll probably sign up for an account then.

here is the link to the article:

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