Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday

Today is Cyber Monday, the follow up to the Black Friday shopping extravaganza.

Did you get any good online deals on Cyber Monday?  I heard there were huge lineups for discounted RIM Playbooks in one country, and the crowd got unruly when a rumour started to spread that the Playbooks were sold out.

Early indications show that Black Friday spending was up over last year, we have to wait and see how Cyber Monday compares once all the numbers are in.

It's a Virtual World after all!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Twitter continues to make inroads into Social fabric

Twitter continues to grow more popular almost every day.  The latest examples I've seen of Twitter making inroads into everyday life are:

Mexican pro soccer team putting Twitter handles on the backs of players game shirts.  So, when they are playing a game you would see @Halvarez or @Roberto_S.  To me this is a great way for the team to get the public to visit the players Twitter sites, and promote the club.

Seeing Twitter handles on protest boards and signs.  I've seen some Occupy Wallstreet type protests where the people carrying signs have also put their Twitter handle on the sign.  Great move, an instant way to get people to visit your Twitter site and see your message.  This will probably transfer over to sports events and other places where people display signs.

Live voting and interaction on tv shows.  The tv show X Factor with the music competition has a special Twitter feed set up where the judges and contestants send out tweets, and the public can interact with them.  You can also vote now through Twitter.

What will we see next from Twitter and how it is used?  It's a Virtual World after all!
